Insights and case studies from LoCI customers


Hear from Klickitat Public Utility District



Hear from Landfill Group





Innovative technology company LoCI Controls . . . monitors gas quality at more than 180 gas collection wells every hour, compares the results to a predetermined set of parameters, and makes a corrective adjustment up to eight times per day. Wellfield tuning was previously accomplished by hand twice per month.

[Now], plant operators and wellfield technicians can better control gas quality within a narrow band through all weather conditions — improving plant reliability and efficiency. The system is also used to identify and correct problems in the well field quickly.

Kevin Ricks
Renewable Energy Assets Manager
Klickitat Public Utility District


The first time I heard talk of LoCI's automated wellhead, I thought it was a crazy idea, an impossible idea…now here we are several years later, installing them on all of our sites! It’s not crazy, it works.

The entire LoCI team is a pleasure to work with. We collaborate to maximize the technology, algorithms, and collection efficiencies at each site to enhance operations and compliance. Hats off to the LoCI team for their innovation and motivation for advanced control systems.”

William Brinker
Managing Director
Landfill Group LLC


The LoCI system has automated the gas collection from the entire Yolo Landfill including the MSW and Organic Waste landfill cells as well as from the in-vessel anaerobic digester.

[LoCI's system enables] the monitoring and measuring of methane and other gases in a manner such that methane emissions can be more efficiently managed, controlled and limited.

[LoCI is] able to demonstrate improvements in the quantity and quality of landfill gas collected from the wellfield as a result [of its system]."

Policy Submission & Exhibits
Submission Excerpt

Read More Insights from LoCI Customers

Landfill Group LLC


We view the LoCI system as a critical part of how we successfully operate our RNG projects and look forward to expanding our partnership in future project execution.”

Mike Fenton
Director of Sales and Project Delivery
Landfill Group LLC

Case Studies

Landfill Group Project

Lawrence, KS

Increased methane capture over four years of operation by an average of 32%, adding $3.8M in revenue per year at an assumed $25/MMBTU sold

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Klickitat Public Utility District Project

Roosevelt, WA

Reversed declining MMBTU production and grew production 12%

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Increasing Wellhead Sizes

Various Projects

Owners and operators saw significant and sustained improvements in gas capture, ranging from 30–230 SCFM

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Aria Energy Project

Oklahoma City, OK

Increased gas flow and plant uptime by over 20%

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Learn How to Maximize Methane Collection & Minimize Emissions
